Tag Archives: Personal Trainer
31 Aug

Learn to direct your Mind!

When it comes to making the right decisions, our habits may get into the way. Our education, training, conditioning, and experiences, all influence our thought patterns and habits. Changing habits would be easy if the mind cooperated every time you asked it to, and right away!

Private Walking sessions are healthy, convenient, one-on-one opportunities to introduce new ideas, allowing you to free yourself from old habits, and learn new ones. Being outdoors and allowing your body to move smoothly has been scientifically proven to provide positive effects to cognitive skills. Ideally, during this time you will learn how to break prior patterns that no longer work for you, and install new, more positive ones. New ideas, connected with a positive experience, are easy to remember, and help break prior patterns.

I understand that not everybody can afford a private Life Coach who offers these techniques. And I want all of you to have the opportunity to change your life! So, I available to everyone several of my playful, quick, and easy tools to download on your mp3 player or iPhone. Each session is short, simple, and fun, and gives you tools to use each and every day. These sessions are only available by mail. IF you are really interested learning in becoming the director of your mind and are committed to experiment 7 tiny sessions of 2-3 minutes while Walking outside I will get them to you TODAY!