Learn Walking Meditation

6 Mar


It’s fun. It’s easy. It’s effective.

  • 6 x 60 minute sessions
  • know-how to motivate + practical training
  • 3-12 participants
  • variety of classes to add – yoga, martial arts and more
  • Lake Tahoe/SF/LA area

Relax while getting fit!

Please feel free to contact Manuela at Emailmanuela@gmail.com to design your fitness weekend!

Learn Walking Meditation in beautiful Lake Tahoe

20 Oct

Lake Tahoe is a touristic destination for private parties as well as business groups.

Now, you may introduce a new event to your next trip to the Sierras: a workshop of Yaduma Walking Meditation individually designed for each party to motivate for a better lifestyle and learn how to consciously relax and on top have  a great time!

For tailored workshops please contact Manuela at Emailmanuela@gmail.com or 310 600 5144!

Coping Strategy: Understand how your mind works

4 Oct

Coping Strategy: Understand how your mind works.

Here is a simple little tool to regain direction in life. Start with one step at a time – become aware of the nature of your mind.

The next steps will show you how to focus and direct you mind. Contemplate on this while going for a little walk outside. You might be amazed how you can influence your wellbeing!

Enjoy the walk


Walking Meditation for Stress Release

16 Sep


31 Aug

Learn to direct your Mind!

When it comes to making the right decisions, our habits may get into the way. Our education, training, conditioning, and experiences, all influence our thought patterns and habits. Changing habits would be easy if the mind cooperated every time you asked it to, and right away!

Private Walking sessions are healthy, convenient, one-on-one opportunities to introduce new ideas, allowing you to free yourself from old habits, and learn new ones. Being outdoors and allowing your body to move smoothly has been scientifically proven to provide positive effects to cognitive skills. Ideally, during this time you will learn how to break prior patterns that no longer work for you, and install new, more positive ones. New ideas, connected with a positive experience, are easy to remember, and help break prior patterns.

I understand that not everybody can afford a private Life Coach who offers these techniques. And I want all of you to have the opportunity to change your life! So, I available to everyone several of my playful, quick, and easy tools to download on your mp3 player or iPhone. Each session is short, simple, and fun, and gives you tools to use each and every day. These sessions are only available by mail. IF you are really interested learning in becoming the director of your mind and are committed to experiment 7 tiny sessions of 2-3 minutes while Walking outside I will get them to you TODAY!

How Walking Meditation may serve you to change habits

24 Aug

With the combination of Walking and Meditation as offered in Yaduma Walking Meditation you can enable yourself to change habits:


Stock market crash and health risks

9 Aug

Last week the stock market went down rapidly, the 9th strongest fall, they said. Then yesterday an even bigger drop, the 5th biggest drop. Lots of people lost a lot of money within days. And even more people are very concerned about the world economy and the consequences for world population.

Imagine the mental and physical chain reaction this major issue causes:

Read the paper, hear the news, check the Internet and get this shocking message. Thoughts coming up about the money lost that day, or the influence of this on the national economy and the world as such. A mega worst case scenario might show up, followed by worst case steps to take, rising heart rate and blood pressure, nervousness, maybe sleeplessness, the nervous system may collapse due to this fear of something we cannot directly influence that day.  Certainly, the effects on the stock market has major effects on the health of people, unless we learn to step out of this circle.

Working with thousands of clients I observed that  a client who is afraid of loosing 2 out of 10 million can be exactly as fearful as someone loosing 2000 out of 10 000 or someone loosing or having lost their job.

It is crucial to step out of this negativity and learn to think differently. It is a mental exercise you can train yourself not only to prevent further health risks but also to allow new ideas of dealing with the situation at one`s best and creating some solutions.

I teach what I call Yaduma Walking Meditation. It is a mixture of Meditation, Walking Exercise, Auto-Hypnosis and some exercises I developed. First you learn to concentrate and focus, then to consciously relax, then to choose constructive thoughts whenever you observe destructive thoughts come up. Combining mental exercise with moderate aerobic workout has a very beneficial effect on your cognitive skills.  It is fun and therefor easy and motivating to do.  However, the most beautiful experience you may have is discovering your door to inner peace. Once having experienced this and knowing, it is there, makes you calm and confident.

You won´t directly influence the stock market but your happiness, health and the probably the people around you.

For classes or coaching please call me at 310 600 5144 or email me to Emailmanuela@gmail.com

We offer Retreats for up to 12 people in beautiful Lake Tahoe. Program and details are designed according to the groups needs and wishes.

Dreaming for Success!

10 May

If my today`s thoughts are the script for tomorrow I keep on dreaming!

The truth is: I am a dreamer and some years back I thought I should change. Today I know the one thing I want to change is sticking to negative thoughts in case I do so. Dreaming is essential to visualize and create a inner picture and feeling of what makes your heart beat higher. If you can lift yourself into a good vibration you are already enjoying the goal you are dreaming of.

In Walking we use this positive dream picture of ourselves. It is easy, fun and effective to go vigorously, relaxed and balanced for one hour. It has a tremendous effect on your wellbeing as long as you stick to the enjoyment of the moment and stick to positive thoughts. It shows in your posture and vibrancy. You are strong and powerful during the Walk.

Stay tuned in. Keep on Walking!

For motivation and instruction call 310 600 5144

High Tech for Motivation to Exercise

1 May

This is a contribution of a client who walks moderately and consistently after  a 3Week-Starter-Program. The new High-Tech Software he uses is great for motivation. If you are using an iPhone check out ENDOMUNDO. Here is what the software can do for you:

High-Tech Hiking with Android

“My Tracks”

    Do you need a way to stay motivated for your daily health walk?   We all do and I found a great (free) tool that worked wonders to keep me walking regularly.  Here’s my story:  I bought a new smartphone called a Galaxy S Vibrant.  This is really a little computer that also makes calls and has a built-in GPS unit.  It runs operating software called “Android” and there’s lots of free software easily downloaded from “Android Market”.   Here’s the entry in Android Market for “My Tracks”:
android market screenshot of My Tracks

Once it’s installed in an Android-based smartphone, turn on your GPS, start the app and the rest is simple.  Just start walking.   The My Tracks app will connect to the built-in GPS and start logging your hike.  Press the “Setup” button (bottom-left on keypad) then “Record Track” button.  It will show a continuous display of stats for the hike like this:

Single hike statistics screen

My Tracks has a couple of other screens available by swiping horizontally.  First, a moving-map of every spot on the hike, regardless of the winding path.  If you hike in circles or loop into cul-de-sacs, My Tracks stores the total distance travelled, giving you “credit” for every step.  In this sense, it’s a hyper-accurate pedometer.  Here are some shots of neighborhood streets and the hiking route I took through them in blue.   Notice how I go off-street sometimes or go in circles playing fetch with dogs.

My Tracks map path
If the route was in a hilly area, there’s a chart showing elevation gains and speed along the route.  The green line is elevation and the orange line is speed.  Notice how I stop regularly to pant while my heartbeat races above 180  😉

Elevation variation chart

It stores ALL the days you hiked, with a dated entry and map of the route taken for each one.  There’s a cumulative statistics page showing total distance across all hikes:

Cumulative statistics, hiking totals  Totals of all hikes taken

Yes, I really do hike at speeds maxing topping 246 miles per hour; I’m incredibly fit.  Or perhaps that’s just a glitch in one GPS waypoint.  You decide.  Another feature of this software is to connect to a heartbeat monitor.  I haven’t purchased a heart monitor yet, but they’re $100 and connect to the smartphone through Bluetooth.  The heart rate gets recorded and charted next to speed and altitude.  It’s on my birthday gift list.


My Tracks is a help in maintaining motivation to hike or walk or bike regularly.  It makes the logging of distance and time effortless, assuming you have an Android phone with a GPS.  The app is free from the Android Marketplace.  Search under “My Tracks”.

Here’s a link to the Zephyr Heart Rate Monitor:  http://runningdigital.com/2010/06/01/zephyrs-hxm-bluetooth-heart-rate-monitor-review/

Here’s a link to My Tracks website:  http://mytracks.appspot.com/

Get ready for the summer! Start NOW!

28 Apr
Winter is over, the body requires revival, fresh air, circulation, muscles reactivated, metabolism boosted.Start a little Powerwalking routine now. It so simple, easy and super efficient for fat burning, anti aging, a peaceful mind and to improve medical conditions such as HPB, high Cholesterol, Depression, Burnout etc…..If you need motivation and inspiration team up with a friend or share your ideas, concerns and what keeps you from doing what is good for you here.Check out The Walking Guru on facebook get free support!
Or sign up for email-coaching to get you going, set your head straight for positive thoughts, energy and motivation!!!
Individual personal programs and private Walking Coaching sessions now available in TAHOE area.
Contact emailmanuela@gmail.com or call 310 600 51 44.

Plan time for yourSELF!

28 Apr

What is so special about WALKING?

It is one of the most natural things to do for a human being. Yet, we tend to do it too little, so the body is suffering and the mind is collapsing of stress.

It seems to be easier to meet an appointment with somebody than to meet up with your own needs in terms of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. A Walking routine creates that space to learn to listen inside, to have your mind calm down, to feel at ease and peaceful and do do your body some good.

If you make appointments with yourself for as little as 30-60 minutes 3 times a week for your own wellbeing space and time for yourself, you create that space to reconnect and feel good, not only physically but in a holistic way.

Give it a try and see how easy you make it for yourself to keep up with your appointment!

If you need support to start we currently offer introductory classes, hiking, cardiovascular exercise in the sierras and Lake Tahoe area as well as email-coaching to get you started, to make the most out of every experience and to stay motivated

Enjoy your time!!!