ABOUT/ contact

by email EmailManuela@gmail.com
by phone 310 600 5144 (US)
or by skype MissYaduma

Have a great time outdoors while becoming fit, motivated and relaxed!

Manuela Stoerzer Vogt, “The Walking Guru” teaching Walking Meditation is a certified Physical Fitness Specialist (Cooper Clinic), Mental Trainer, Model, Actress and mother of two with a business background of 10 years in publishing and thousands of sessions and workshops as Coach for international clients.

Her passion is to inspire people to bring more joy, fun and good health into their lives. The training in Tahoe is a holistic alternative like Yoga and Meditation to enhance your energetic level and overall wellbeing.
*Recommendable in addition to your medical treatment for risk factors such as HBP, high cholesterol, overweight, depression, anxiety as well as for pain relief, rehabilitation, physiotherapy and more.

Europe´s first Walking Coach teaching how to get fit, consciously relax, motivate and enjoy the moment

In 2001 Manuela introduced her new Coaching approach during Walking Sessions in Munich, Germany. Soon she was booked and 3 years later decided to move to Majorca with her children. Starting new in Spain  she developed Yaduma (Long Life) Walking Meditation Technique. In 2003 Yaduma Walking Meditation Program was prize awarded by the city council of Calvia for the most innovative project of a woman. Manuela´s Walking Meditation technique is a tailored combination of aerobic physical exercise, elements of Pilates, Alexander Technique, Mental Coaching, Auto-Hypnosis, Meditation and a touch of humor. She sees the individual beside the client’s physical and mental frame and supports to get fit and relaxed, self-empower to heal from dis-ease and regain joy and energy for life.

Manuela is a magnificent coach with a totally original approach as well as being an all-round sound person and credit to humanity     Barefoot Doctor

    • Tailored Group Programs
    • Individual Walking Meditation sessions
    • Coachings via Phone/Skype.
  • Contact
    • EmailManuela@gmail.com
    • Cell 310 600 5144  (US)
  • Awaken the Guru within!Skype: missyaduma

Tailored Yaduma Walking Meditation Programs in Lake Tahoe for private parties and and business groups available on request.