Archive | October, 2011

Learn Walking Meditation in beautiful Lake Tahoe

20 Oct

Lake Tahoe is a touristic destination for private parties as well as business groups.

Now, you may introduce a new event to your next trip to the Sierras: a workshop of Yaduma Walking Meditation individually designed for each party to motivate for a better lifestyle and learn how to consciously relax and on top haveĀ  a great time!

For tailored workshops please contact Manuela at or 310 600 5144!

Coping Strategy: Understand how your mind works

4 Oct

Coping Strategy: Understand how your mind works.

Here is a simple little tool to regain direction in life. Start with one step at a time – become aware of the nature of your mind.

The next steps will show you how to focus and direct you mind. Contemplate on this while going for a little walk outside. You might be amazed how you can influence your wellbeing!

Enjoy the walk
